It'd be interesting to see a comparison between the two for something non-trivial, both in terms of code complexity and performance. My guess is that Halide takes a lot more code but ends up being 2-3x faster due to the ease of low level optimization.
Well, RAW image formats vary per camera, so it probably won't "support" any particular format out of the box since that is not really the responsibility of the language.
But given a known format I'm pretty sure you can convert any RAW image format into something Halide understands without loss (at the moment most RAW image data uses at most 14 bits IIRC, so a 16 bit RGB array should be enough), after which you can implement, say, debayering algorithms yourself.
In fact, that's the first example you see in the first publication (see top left) about Halide:
Halide doesn't operate that high level. You need to use another library to decode the image, Halide takes raw pixel values.
But yes, you can use Halide for handling RAW image data. I actually used it for exactly that a couple of months ago, when I implemented a demosaic algorithm. It's damn fast too.
I've shipped two apps with GPUImage and have found it to be very fast (when used properly) and incredibly capable. The biggest issue in GPUImage 1 was correctly setting up the filter chain; an incorrectly configured chain seemed to be the primary cause of issues around performance and output (or lack there of).
The new API is way more concise and super clear. Particularly love the use of blocks for configuration groups, as it makes preset behaviour more portable and easily defined (say, for a Instagram-style app).
Great work Brad, this is a much-loved framework and it's great to see the changes in v2.
This sounds really cool, but I'm not 100% sure what it means. Is this something that would be included in desktop software for rendering images on the screen, or something more useful for file conversion and running operations on images to produce new image files?
I think it's important to read this article ( before fully diving into this project. GPUImage (the first version) at a high level gave everyone the ability to create the Instagram effect (realtime video capture and image processing) with little to no effort. Now you will not find "Instagram" in that blog post but I've messed around with almost all of the sample projects in the original codebase and it's hard not to try and create some similar effects, plus I think it's an easy use case to explain to others. With that said, this project goes so far and above Instagram (honestly they shouldn't be compared, but again, easy way to explain it quickly), the use cases are really just limited to what you can think of regarding image processing and rendering.
You missed the point. Try applying those effects in realtime, on an iPhone 4s, to a live video stream coming directly from the camera. It's quite difficult, even with everything that CoreImage provides. GPUImage? It's cake.
Not sure about the 4s specifically, but there are all kinds of apps that do it on the iPhone using the GPU (so, if GPUImage works on 4s, they should too). In fact Apple also provides a built-in one...
"The objective of the framework is to make it as easy as possible to set up and perform realtime video processing or machine vision against image or video sources. By relying on the GPU to run these operations, performance improvements of 100X or more over CPU-bound code can be realized. This is particularly noticeable in mobile or embedded devices. On an iPhone 4S, this framework can easily process 1080p video at over 60 FPS. On a Raspberry Pi 3, it can perform Sobel edge detection on live 720p video at over 20 FPS."
> "That reduction in size is due to a radical internal reorganization which makes it far easier to build and define custom filters and other processing operations."
Swift code is clearly more concise than Objective-C, as everyone who's worked with both knows, but this statement shouldn't be taken as a point for Objective-C vs Swift on its own.
With GPU Frameworks like GPUImage or I always wonder how bus transfers impact the overall performance. The best GPU code is useless if most of the time is spent transferring data from CPU to GPU and the other way back. That's why it's typically a bad idea to just "outsource" a particular computation to the GPU "because it's faster". At least that was a big concern in the old days when I did GPGPU (about 5 years ago) which is why I always thought GPGPU libraries were a bad idea.
Can anyone shed some light on this matter? Has anything changed in the last years? Are bus transfers still a concern? If yes, how does GPUImage handle them?
I would expect a developer to fully look into the bottlenecks in their application before applying something like this. For example, if they quite often have complex, multi-stage image processing pipelines, then offloading the entire pipeline to the GPU might result in quite significant speedup.
In addition (iirc) CPU-GPU busses have got quite a bit faster in the last 5 years. They're still a large bottleneck, yes, but for expensive, highly parallel computations on small pieces of data they don't completely dominate the computation cost.
I've also noticed that this framework uses OpenGL(ES) for its offloading. Given that, the computation could easily be offloaded to an embedded (i.e. non-discrete) GPU, eliminating the data movement cost.
In my work its not a big deal, and modern GPUs support synchronous computation and bidirectional data transfer. For example, 5 MP image takes ~3ms to upload to the GPU but my processing takes ~20ms, and writing the file takes another ~50ms. So I'm still IO bound even if I optimize the GPU DMA.
With iOS and other mobile platforms at least the GPU and CPU generally share the same memory, so it is possible to create buffers that are accessible by both (in the case of iOS you would use CVOpenGLESTextureRef or CVMetalTextureRef)
I have never used GPUImage on iOS. Are we limited in resolution to the Metal/OpenGL ES texture size limit of a device with it? Can it work with extra large images?
Depends on your definition of extra large, I suppose. I've gone as big as about 10 megapixels in my implementations with it and it's held up.
The big problem with iOS image handling has always been the pitiful amount of RAM on the devices. It wasn't until relatively recently (iPad 4) that the iPads even had enough to reliably handle images in the 10-15 megapixel range without being killed by the memory watchdog.
Core Image on iOS is supposed to handling tiling of larger images automatically. This is one of the reasons I'm planning on porting my iOS video effects app from GPUImage to Core Image, although GPUImage has served me very well.
Takes a bit of learning but it's really fast. The tutorial series is good
It'd be interesting to see a comparison between the two for something non-trivial, both in terms of code complexity and performance. My guess is that Halide takes a lot more code but ends up being 2-3x faster due to the ease of low level optimization.