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Well, Corvoda and Xamarin are only for mobile apps. If React Native begins officially supporting desktop platforms, it'll be the only (popular) framework of its kind.

Cordova and Xamarin both give you desktop reach on Windows through the UWP. You may be using the UWP to target mobile first and may not think to test for desktop, but both give you that option to expand into desktop.

You can somewhat easily rehost a Cordova app in Electron for desktop reach on Mac and Linux (and even Windows if you prefer Electron to the UWP for some reason).

There already are Xamarin Framework bindings for the Mac and you shouldn't have too hard of a time to use existing Gtk# resources to target Linux. Now that Xamarin Forms is true open source maybe someone will have more incentive to build a good XAML binding and Xamarin Forms implementation for Gtk# (or some other Linux UI toolkit for that matter).

tl;dr: Lots of options! Yay!

Haxe + for example OpenFL has even more targets, but not as popular.

Xamarin does OSX apps as well, Not sure about Linux

Xamarin is Monodevelop (plus some mobile and Mac stuff). Apparently monodevelop can be used to build apps for Linux using GTK#

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