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Just Delete Me (justdelete.me)
15 points by dudul on April 12, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Something that should be one of the fundamental human rights in internet (and in fact it is a right in Europe) is so complicated or even impossible sometimes... certainly the companies which don't let you control your account or data aren't bringing me much trust.

On the other hand, some of these need to retain some info in order to not give you free trial again and again.

But I still think someone like Netflix could do more. They could maybe store just enough credit card data to ensure it is no longer usable for free trial and then de-associate viewing data from the rest of your account and delete everything not strictly needed for the credit card part.

Just what I happened to be looking for… thanks for the pointer! /* forking while writing this */

It would be great if this was automated, like the Suicide Machine. They used to support Facebook, but Facebook C&D'd them. http://suicidemachine.org/

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