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Poverty has ultimately nothing to do with opportunity, but those less unfortunate; literally, those without luck. Buffett would be the first to acknowledge that he's been lucky, and I would claim that while it's completely true that poverty has many sources, I would not agree that luck cannot be removed from the process. As such, poverty will always be with us.

I assume you actually mean that luck cannot be removed from the equation when you say "I would not agree that luck cannot be removed from the process."?

You may be onto something there, certainly resources assist with wealth creation, but there's very little that is a sure bet, and risk and reward in the financial sense are frequently correlated. If it is a given that one wishes to minimise the degree to which they are beholden to luck (reducing risk) they are simultaneously frequently taking the other side of that bargain too (reducing reward). And you end up with poor people working terribly bad reward jobs on wages that left to market forces might not even be enough to cover their cost of living at all, but are pushed up by minimum wage laws, and subsidised by state social welfare programs (put it this way, and it's actually the state that profits from the poverty of other people by trading subsistence living for political capital, a conclusion the guardian would likely be utterly horrified by)

People just trying to scrape by, keep a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs and food in their bodies are not prone to taking smart, calculated risks on their financial situation. In fact the example that springs to mind with the kinds of risks that these people take are actually really bad ones (lotteries, gambling in general, etc). They don't for example build a wealth portfolio, start a business, or even just invest in the skills necessary to get a better job that would yield a higher wage.

It seems that risk management education is a vanishingly rare thing in the group under discussion, and perhaps that's something that would go some way to addressing the role that you highlight when you refer to luck.

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