It's very high. We are not doing anything scientific around it but talk to the users constantly and I can tell you they are very very happy. The phrase "changed my life" is recurrent.
The ability to connect with other people and develop deep relationships around something as intimate as profound as music making is very powerful. Making new friends is life changing.
When you say applying it to a wider audience do you mean (i) to people who are not musicians or (ii) to musicians not in our focus segment ( e.g., people who play less frequently/more casually)
I'd want to talk to the current focus segment in depth, find out what makes them happiest about what they're doing with your product and look for ways to both increase the opportunities for those things and make them more accessible.
Is that making sense?
I think your current focus segment knows there's a rewarding feeling in return for the effort, and maybe group (ii) isn't as aware, or doesn't know how to get there...
I think there is a lot of truth in what you say. Most of our users in our target focus segment ( i.e., people who already play 2hs a day ) feel very confident in learning, practicing, playing/recording songs. Making music is hard after all, requires a lot of dedication. A lot of people aspire to get there, but they are not confident, or know how to get there. That's why lessons are so important in this hobby.
Since our initial focused segment is big enough for us to get traction, we are not currently focused on expanding, but we will do so in the future and asking ourselves/our users the questions you suggest seems to be a good idea.