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The Pallets Project (palletsproject.com)
43 points by rkda on March 31, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

>Welcome to the Pallets Project... If you discover this right now, this is not announced yet and work in progress :)


It'll be interesting to see what this becomes. Because most of this is(was?) part of Pocoo.org, which IIRC was Ronacher's site as well.

Hope this doesn't mean Ronacher's abandoning these projects, he's been a great influence with these projects. I've greatly enjoyed working with Flask, Werkzeug, Jinja, and his other projects.

Hopefully getlektor.com graduates to a top-level project there one day.

I don't understand why they call Flask a "micro framework" as illustrated on that page it requires all that other stuff to work.

It does not require all that other stuff.

Flask requires a lot of other stuff, and most people choose to use it with this other stuff highlighted on the page, but one can very well choose a different set of stuff.

Personally, I don't like the idea, but the term "micro framework" is not meaningless.

I like Flask but the first time I tried to use it and found it had all these dependencies I was disappointed. It kind of reminds if of when it was fashionable for people to post headlines like, "I wrote a blogging platform in 5 lines of code" and when you go look at it they used some massive libraries which are of course much more than 5 lines.

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