If by 30 you mean 20 gigs then, yes. Also, 20 gigs on a very decent 256GB SSD costs around $6.40. I don't know how much your hourly wage is, but the time Visual Studio saves me compared to other development platforms makes up for that money pretty quickly.
I was just being cheeky, honestly, but that price doesn't scale linearly, at least not on a laptop. A 512gb SSD might have a higher cost-per-GB than a 256GB SSD.
I don't run Windows and consequently haven't used VS in any kind of intimate detail, I'm sure it's great if you like dealing with IDEs. I feel more productive with Vim, tmux, GHCI, and GraspJS for doing of my web development.
That might be true; I had a slightly tainted image of VS when I had to use it three years ago, and after everything I needed was installed, I only had like a gig left (this was on a weak, underpowered netbook, admittedly).
In retrospect it's not entirely VS's fault, though I just found it amusing how quickly it ate through my storage when Vim only takes like 90 megs.