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> you encounter to this page [1]

I love the extended errors. Note that you can just use `rustc --explain <error code>` without opening a web page, but of course it won't be formatted then.

> But it takes time if you're coming from a non C/C++ language!

Ultimately there's little substitute to learning the concepts behind the language :) Error-driven-development is fun, and quite useful once you know the language, but if used as the only way to learn the language it can be problematic. That said, I enjoy using errors to explain Rust concepts -- as long as you explain them. If a new user is hit with a steaming pile of errors you can't really expect them to understand it directly.

I have talked with a lot of folks coming from a non-systemsy background, and sort of have an idea of the things that get confusing (I once had similar problems when learning C++). I'm planning a blog post series (no ETA, pretty swamped with other work :/ ) that teaches both Rust (specifically, the safety bits like the borrow checker) and what's going on under the hood (regarding memory, the stack/heap, etc) using each as a crutch to explain the other in a leapfrog way, to introduce the language and low-level programming to folks coming from languages like JS.

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