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  Rust tutorials always spend a lot of time interpreting 
  Rust's notoriously poor error messages
I'm wondering where you got the sense that Rust's error messages are "notoriously poor." Can you expand on that?

I have always found Rust's error messages to be quite good. Of course, they can be hard to interpret occasionally if you don't already grasp the concepts they are referring to. But I don't see any way to solve that in error messages; at some point, you have to learn enough about the language for the error messages to make sense. And occasionally, the suggestion they provide for how to fix the issue isn't the right suggestion, but I don't know if there's a way to always do that without strong AI that understands what you mean. The best you could hope to do is to provide suggestions for all of the possible fixes, though that could lead to some messages that are too verbose to the point of being useless.

I think it would help to provide some examples of error messages you have had trouble with, to help figure out ways to make them better.

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