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I think the parent was referring to "lightweight task"-based concurrency like C#'s PLinq:

    // C# 
    int sum;
    Parallel.ForEach(myCollection, item => sum += item);
Which operates using a reasonably sized thread pool rather than a thread per item. Something similar in Rust (Excuse my rusty rust) would look like.

    let someList = ...
    parallel::for(someList.iter(), |item| {
       // Do thing with each item
I think there is ongoing work on this topic, but it will likely only be library-level and not language-level (Just like Linq is a language level feature in C# but PLinq is a library). There are some third party crates that do this like simple_parallel.

Edit: Low-level simd exist as intrinsics and of course through llvm vectorizations.

The simplest library for this kind of data parallelism is Rayon[1]. The README provides a nice overview and links to a series of blog posts about the details.

[1] https://github.com/nikomatsakis/rayon/

simple_parallel exists and is pretty neat, yes. Rayon is another cool library here (https://github.com/nikomatsakis/rayon), which lets you do foreach/mapreduce operations via work stealing on a pool with an extensible API that looks exactly like the regular iterator api (https://github.com/nikomatsakis/rayon#parallel-iterators, for example).

Note that a simd library exists which abstracts over the intrinsics (https://github.com/huonw/simd)

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