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At least with the older 3DS Fire Emblem (and to be fair I didn't play it too much), it didn't seem particularly clever. Mostly just choosing which character is more vulnerable, moving into range (probably using a standard A* path algorithm), and attacking with their best option (plus some healing and a few stage specific things).

Pretty standard A.I. from what I could tell. But my memory might not be that great, it was awhile ago that I played it.

Is the new one significantly different from that? What stuck out for you as being particularly clever?

Hmm, I guess the way the enemies would line up for attack stances (being adjacent to one another to deal extra damage) caught my attention. That's probably the most notable feature I've seen in the game.

At the same time, you've laid out how the game works quite plainly, and I've read enough about Pac-Man to know that video games can seem more clever than they seem!

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