Assuming the government intends to run something vaguely resembling a balanced budget, tax receipts (plus inflation away of govt debt) has to broadly, in the long term, equal money paid out (UBI + lots of other stuff). Which means (1) the government has to make up the portion of income tax revenues lost from high earners that spend relatively little by ensuring sales tax is sufficiently high to get the money back from lower earners that consume most of their monthly wage, and (2) every time the government puts the UBI up, they have to put taxes up [in the near future]
The problem is that UBI only works if it's redistributive. If you don't change the income distribution, the distribution of goods and services doesn't change. It seems to me like cost of living UBI + regressive taxation would just cause inflation with the UBI always lagging behind the newly higher costs.
Basically the point is that a VAT with a UBI tied to inflation WOULD be redistributive. It effectively nullifies the regressive portion of a VAT and ties the UBI to the overall productivity and cost of doing business of the nation.