As for travelling faster through the tree of implications - there can be some emergent behaviour happening when you reach certain speeds.
I.e. you cannot reach certain conclusions - no matter how long it takes - with slower speed because you'll forget parts of the reasoning in the meantime.
Yeah, that's why I added "some sub-set of rules". There are lots of starting points, and a huge number of sub-sets of starting points, so picking the useful subset is itself an art that is very much helped by persistent trial-and-error.
Truth is I wish very smart people would "live for the endurance of life itself" and put aside their personal issues to expand the frontiers of human ignorance. And I wish that we, members of the more general culture, would put our petty judgements aside and give such people all the support they need in order to do this important work. Maybe even to the extent of a limited Truman Show (minus the broadcast) where the government pays nice people to be in the person's life, to give them love and encouragement, no matter what.
I.e. you cannot reach certain conclusions - no matter how long it takes - with slower speed because you'll forget parts of the reasoning in the meantime.