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If they don't offer a (limited) model styled after the Mac SE, they're doing it wrong.

That's what I was hoping for. Rainbow logo, beige trim. Maybe have a 3.5" drive accessory for the lightning port.

I don't need the floppy drive but if it could come pre-installed with hypercard I'm so there.

Complete with the loud BING as the startup sound?

You bet. Also a 1-bit dithered screen mode and rounded screen corners.

not sure why you were getting downvoted, i would love a monochrome rounded display.

Not to burst your bubble, but the sampled startup sounds didn't come until after the SE. The SE just went BEEEEEEEEEP.

Yeah but the beep had an envelope to it. There was definitely a strong attack followed by a less-than-square wave rather than a uniform beep. Though whether that was part of the sample (which the mac SE definitely could've played) or an artifact of some analogue circuitry I don't know.

It was a software thing. Here's the story of how it came to be:


Not sure what process generated that tone, but it really was a bell-like BINNNNGGGG and not a flat PC buzzer-like BEEP. At least, that's the sound I remember from the 512K and the Plus - I never had an SE myself, so I am assuming it used the same sound as the original models.

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