Yeah, that's a good point. In fairness to MSFT, with Roslyn and really trying to make the .NET stack able to run on non-Windows boxes you would think there would have to be a few hiccups along the way. I feel like the JS scene is facing this level of upheaval every 9-12 months right now.
That doesn't mean they have to re-architecture their MVC to force you to use DI all over the place whether you want to or not. Or to start running command windows when you used to have a working IDE. Hell, even the new config loading is an utter pain in the ass compared to simply just accessing a static object available from everywhere.
There are great bits, don't get me wrong, but I do wonder how much of their larger audience are actually going to enjoy this. It presently feels like a massive step back for very little gain.
It just feels, looks and smells like the old JavaFactoryHammerWidgetFactoryFactory of the days of old, i.e. over-engineering which means you can't get any actual functionality done as there's more scaffolding than functional code. You end up drowning in utterly useless code that doesn't really do anything.