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A Hint of Hubris (engineyard.com)
25 points by wifelette on Feb 16, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

That's a really great idea. We need more embedding of languages other than C.

And I say that as a huge fan of C. I'm even still using it for non-work projects :-)


Too bad I work in Python at home and work.

Balls. :| Rubyists always get the pretty toys.

Rubyists always get the pretty toys.

You ended up with Zed, though.

Actually, I talked to him about librelist and Lamson in an email exchange awhile back. Cool guy.

I don't totally grasp his reasons for moving from rails to python other than culture, but I don't really care.

Would you use it for Python? It probably wouldn't be that hard to port.

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