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I have to agree with "lmm" and "the_af" here. You can use Scala as a "Java without semicolons", and indeed that's what I recommend to those who want to learn Scala coming form an OO background. There is absolutely no need to use fancy Scala features like higher-kinds or monadic effects. Indeed, there is no need even to use functional features. Scala is a perfectly fine OO language. The one thing I recommend to learn once a learner gets a grip on Scala syntax is pattern matching matching and case classes. It's really easy to understand. And once you understand it, you never want to go back.

I have had a substantial number of undergraduate students learn Scala this way for their final year project and they all got it pretty quickly.

You are advocating that beginners start using Scala without really understanding what they're doing, and being mostly unable to read other code or read the source, while writing what is considered to be bad Scala from the get go. Contrast this to languages like Python or Ruby, where it is totally possible to immediately start writing code you understand that follows the general gist of good Python/Ruby style.

You are certainly right that someone new to Scala can get started quickly this way. You are wrong that Scala is anywhere close to the same level on this dimension as Python or Ruby or Go.

   advocating that beginners start using Scala
No, I was talking about strong Java (or C# or C++) programmers learning Scala, starting with the OO part of Scala. Clearly this is not a large jump, as Scala has class-based OO that is really similar to Java, C# and C++. It is perfectly possible to be productive in this fragment.

I don't at all agree that someone can pick Python or Ruby up and start writing idiomatic (or even "good") code on day one. In fact I make a good living consulting in JRuby shops where they thought they would get some sort of benefit by using Rails but then wrote all the code as if they were still using Java.

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