As someone who's seeing plenty of Scala uptake around me that's a rather surprising claim with no supporting evidence. These days I'm writing 90+% of my code at work in Scala.
This graph shows that Scala grew from 0.02% market share to 0.08% in the last four years. The fact that it's at 0.08% after more than ten years in existence should be a concern for anyone interested in learning it.
For comparison Ruby is just over 0.3% and has been flat for four years. It's the overall job market, not just programming jobs so all percentages will be low.
I have never received so many scala job offers like in the last 6 months. The other day a recruiter contacted me because he needs to fill 60 Scala roles! As someone else stated, it's mostly financial firms that are investing heavily in Scala (at least, in my experience).