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Your experience is interesting to me. I'm a runner as well and I end up doing several races per year including a marathon, a few 1/2s, few 5k and 10ks. Do you do any interval training or long runs on the days you fast? What do you do about post run nutrition replacement and do you do glucose replacement during your longer runs? I'd love to shave off a few pounds for racing reasons as well. I always find myself eating more as I up my milage anyway so my weight usually stays constant.

Fasting days (Mon/Wed) are recovery runs. I usually run long on the weekend, and do my workouts on Tue (intervals) and Thu (tempo), but before breaking my fast.

My Tue interval day may include a 12 mi AM run of 2 mi w/u, 8 x 1000M at 8K pace w/600M RI, 2 mi c/d and 4 mi PM recovery run. My Thu tempo is usually something like a 10 mi AM run of 2 mi w/u, 6 mi at HMP, 2 mi c/d, then possibly a 4 mi PM recovery run.

Sunday is my cheat day. But there's only so much ice cream you can eat in one day. :-)

During long runs, I usually carry 21 oz of sports drink.

Post-marathon recovery drink: Guinness Float (that would be Guinness draught and a scoop of vanilla.)

My plan this year is to run a marathon each month, and 3000 miles total. So far so good.

I have never heard of a Guiness Float before, but seeing as I like both Guiness and Coke Floats... I want to try it as soon as I stop my short-term keto diet! What's it like?

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