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The practice section doesn't mention anything other than the book. Are there any other resources that people use to prep for an interview? Looking for something that tests algorithms and data structures more than solving tricky problems.

I think Cracking the Coding Interview is very popular if you're specifically targeting interview questions. There's also the accompanying website www.careercup.com

I personally also like to do problems on hackerrank, SPOJ, or Code Jam, but are probably overkill (especially Code Jam) as they're much harder than what you probably should expect in an interview. Still, I find that it helps my nerves when I solved harder questions because then the interview questions seem much simpler so it might help you too.

I use a combination of Coursera and Udacity to learn the algorithms, and Hacker Rank to find places to implement them.

I actually just cruised through this course and found it super useful. Edit: By cruised I don't mean did it easily but instead just watched the videos, because I was cramming whenever I could fit time in.


It covers Binary Search Trees pretty well and some other things on the list. I also really like this teacher.


My go-to resource for practicing is http://leetcode.com. There are a lot of questions ranging from easy to hard and an online judge to check your solution by running test cases. If I remember right, there's also a discussions section. They hit a lot of classic interview questions that help you prepare for those questions that wrap those classic problems in obscurity.

For a refresher on algorithms and data structures, I also like the Harvard CS50 videos up on YouTube. They walk through sorting algorithms and cover the bases of various data structures.

I've had fun practicing on http://www.codewars.com/

You can choose your languages and it's all wrapped in a nice leveling-up game style. You pass and rank up based on your solutions to predefined community problems, and have a test-driven approach enforced in the editor.

If you're looking for a visual guide with code in (c++, java, python or javascript), check out Coderust (https://www.educative.io/collection/5642554087309312/5679846...)

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