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It's a law. A lot of laws are old and don't apply to the present anymore but the little guy still has to obey them.

They can lobby for a law change but it's not acceptable that people/entities with lots of money can decide which laws they obey and which not.

Everyone makes that decision every hour of the day. We're all constantly breaking one obscure law or another.

Right, and this fine is somewhat like fining an individual $0.10 for jaywalking. They'll probably decide it was worth the risk and keep doing the illegal thing, like Apple in this case or HSBC with lax anti-money-laundering compliance. The point is that these things won't be deterred until the people responsible are at risk of going to prison, or doing something else they're not going to gladly write-off as a cost of business.

Tolerance of this kind of situation is what pushes North America closer and closer to Kafkaesque nightmares though.

Tolerance of victimless crimes that hurt no one is a Kafkaesque nightmare?

Letting "victimless crimes" exist in the books for whenever a powerful entity wants an excuse to jail someone, or to excuse inequitable enforcement of the law.

Ah, I actually agree with that in it's entirety.

If the law is stupid then congress should cancel (delete?) it. Don't allow big guys avoid them but the little guy with no lawyers on retainer has to follow then.

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