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I work for CLEAR UK (clear-uk.org), a non-profit campaigning for the legalization of medicinal cannabis in the UK. When we put this article on our news feed, we got a comment from a beekeeper --

"Well, cannabis is wind pollinated, as you probably know. This means it does not produce anything attractive to pollinators. This is especially true with the cannabis plant, as the flowers do not produce a nectar of any kind. This 'beekeeper' is spraying sugar water on the buds to get the bees to work them. His theory is that the trichomes that are inadvertently picked up are going to be stored in the propolis, that he smokes, and also in the honey. The problem with the honey is that the trichomes would not be decarboxylated, thus not converting the thc-a into thc, thus having no psychoactive effect. It would be like eating raw weed...you would need to eat a ton, and the effects would be minimal, depending on the strain. Most strains have virtually no thc readily available.

The problem with smoking propolis is enormous, especially if you know what it is. It is basically sap from pine trees and such that the bees masticate and turn into a type of caulking for their hives. While it does have some serious antimicrobial properties, the amount of thc in the propolis would be minimal and you would be mostly smoking pine sap...surely, you can see the issue.

While male plants do produce a pollen, it is of low quality to a bee and definitely does not contain any cannabinoids.

My husband has been in direct contact with Nicolas trainerbee. He admits that he sprays the buds with sugar to film the bees working it...so, not only is he ruining a perfectly good harvest of cannabis, he is spreading disinformation to the beekeeping and cannabis communities."

"Training" bees, indeed.... As others have pointed out, the logic of this actually accomplishing anything is likely nil. If you read the article closely, you'll see it actually has very little content - it reads well, but it's more marketing fluff than anything. I don't want to write an essay here, so I won't explain further, but read it closely.

Unfortunately, the implication of THC-infused honey is going to drive the 'cannabis cures cancer' contingent mad (with desire) and Mr. Trainerbee is going to make some serious money... THC-infused Golden Manuka Honey! I really loathe all the @$%^^ going on in the cannabis related markets, but that is the essence or nature of capitalism...

I don't think it's a cannabis related issue, people have been buying 'natural healing' type of stuff for thousands of years without any regard for the science behind it.

Nice work, thank you for posting the info which is entirely as I suspected from personal experience my BS meter was off the charts with this story.

> you would need to eat a ton

Let's not forget what that the majority of that ton would be: sugar. Both addictive and extremely dangerous in large quantities, thereby negating all the hypothetical benefits on using cannabis for pain management in the first place.

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