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I had the same problem until I saw the light. The problem wasn't React: it was me.

You shouldn't merely learn React, but also unidirectional-flow architectures (like Flux, but there are many others, including better ones IMHO). Bidirectional data flow is a pain in the ass and once you understand unidirectional data flow, everything fits much easier. Of course, trying to shoehorn a bidirectional data flow in React is going to cause a lot of pain.

If you still need a bidirectional data flow, messing with lifecycle callbacks is definitely not the way to go. It seems to me you didn't have problems with React. You had problems learning React.

Unfortunately I'm not looking for a Religion, I'm just looking to get my job done. Too much structure can be just as bad as not enough when it comes to programming.

It sounds less like you're not open to "religions" and more like you just don't want to be working in React. That's fine; React isn't a moral crusade.

No, I don't really, it's just part of my job, unfortunately.

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