Of course I'd fire him. These folks are building a Linux stack software and the guy complains he can't use make on Windows. It's not only he's not a cultural fit, he's also not a technical fit. He'll never understand the beauty of Unix tools. Fire early, fire often and build a team of like minded people around you. Nothing wrong with using corporate language either.
The beauty of unix tools was that the model fit well with memory constrained machines of the time. After that came a mountain of hacks that just happens to still work and are used because nobody bothered to come up with a statically typed equivalent. It's far from beautiful, it just sorta works when it's not aimed at you foot.
> Fire early, fire often and build a team of like minded people around you.
It poisons the whole thing. Respect people and people will respect you and maybe they won't screw you over because you haven't given them a good reason to. Egomaniacally firing people for opinions will create infighting, it will cause people to start scheming and collecting dirt on coworkers to be used as a deflection for when the boss has one of his outbursts again. Supposedly most botched products at Microsoft are result of infighting between teams caused by stack ranking, which is effectively the same thing as what you are proposing.
> Nothing wrong with using corporate language either.
It isn't when it's not doublespeak. Culture is a nicer word for circlejerk. Finally, unix circlejerking is fine as long as you aren't a jerk about it..