I wish he would have said why he doesn't need it any more. Heck, I just paid $30 to code school last summer to take the jquery courses and now I use the heck out of it on everything...
The big front-end JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular are architected in a way that no longer require jQuery for DOM querying or manipulation.
They also smooth out browser quirks which is less of an issue now with Modern browsers than it was at the dawn of jQuery which was another USP it had that propelled it to popularity.
Well I figured that. I was more interested in how he moved away from jquery. I've looked into Angular many times over the years. But sadly, I find more people complaining about it than praising it. Looking into React now.
Wow, great! Don't stop learning. There are a whole bunch of cool js tools that people have mentioned here, take a look at some of them!
But the biggest thing that I have learnt over the last few weeks was "browserify" it's really useful for all sorts of things. Take a look at 'npm' and how it installs all sorts of gubbins for you. You may never use it, but for things like coffee script, sass (I assume you know about bootstrap css?) npm will install them for you. browserify will transpile them for you.