Thanks for your feedback run4yourlives. Can you please elaborate what specific issues you're talking about? I'm testing it now ( and don't see any issues.
I have been noticing that I'm getting a request for
Processing ApplicationController#index (for 153.XX.XX.XX at 2008-02-07 12:42:01) [GET] from some users which is causing the flash demo file not to be found.... but I'm not really sure how users can even get to that action since I don't have a method that defines index.
There's nothing wrong with the demo itself, but with the demoed ads -> They should appear and disappear according to the movement of the mouse pointer on "whitespace" right?
For me, that's what isn't working... the ad starts as visible, flickers on the mouse of whitespace, and stays visible after I move the cursor back into the demo. I see the default add as aligned top-left from the corner of the browser window: is that correct? (it covers your logo/title bar)
I have been noticing that I'm getting a request for Processing ApplicationController#index (for 153.XX.XX.XX at 2008-02-07 12:42:01) [GET] from some users which is causing the flash demo file not to be found.... but I'm not really sure how users can even get to that action since I don't have a method that defines index.