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I am also trying to lose a few pounds. I started calorie counting stringently over the last weeks. I keep track of everything I eat in excel. I started at 167 and I'm now at 161 3 weeks later (I'm 23 & 5' 9"). I've started taking flaxseed oil, a regular one-a-day vitamin pill and some extra vitamin C and D (1000 IU), acai with antioxidants and some fiber with psyllium husks (helps control hunger at times... expands like 40x its size in your stomach).

I have whey protein shakes everyday or every otherday (esp if I'm going to run or the gym). Meals have much less bread and less dairy than I would usually eat. In general I eat less meals more. Like around 300 calories for a small meal. I eat lots of egg beaters (much less calories and fat than real egg - 70 cal/4.5g fat per real egg including yolk), salads with light balsamic vinaigrette (watch out - lots of them are fatty and have lots of calories. I found one with 40 cal/2tablespoon). Other small meals include fresh sliced turkey (25 cal/slice) and a slice of bread. I've replaced everything I might drink - like milk, orange juice or sodas - with water.

I have not done much working out yet - all my weight loss thus far is just from diet change. I am somewhat active taking my dog on 2 mile walks but I now have access to a gym and have been planning out workouts - dips, crunches, pushups and lots of running (for now).

While I used to eat probably 2150 calories/day (according to a calorie calculator), I now eat 1500 or less per day, usually 1200. The first two weeks are the hardest and you're always hungry, grumpy, tired but then you get used to it. I of course eat more calories when I am active, go on runs and so on, but for coding days I'm just fine with low calories and proper vitamins and protein. I also drink a cup or two of green or black tea each night.

I cut my alcohol intake down a ton, rarely eat out and haven't had red meat since I started this diet.

Do not take this as a suggested diet. I am not a doctor.

You don't need to be so restrictive on your caloric intake. I still eat about 2000 calories a day (I'm 6'1" and 168 pounds now, was 188 when I started). You just need to eat the right calories. The hardest thing for me was cutting out the bread and pasta. I can still eat bread, but only "sprouted wheat" bread, which you can find at Trader Joe's or Whole Foods.

Also, I eat real eggs (about 2 for breakfast scrambled with vegetables, slice of sprouted wheat toast, cup of fruit, 3 times a week) all the time. The myth about eggs causing high cholesterol is just a myth. Your body can process the cholesterol in eggs just fine, since your own liver can produce way more cholesterol in a single day. It just depends on the rest of your diet.

It sounds like you are making some great choices so far, but I would personally avoid the "low-fat" foods since most of them are packed with sugar, or even worse, High Fructose Corn Syrup. Instead, just eat good fats. Try putting olive oil and balsamic vinegar on your salad instead of sugary "light balsamic vinagrette."

Also, you're right to cut out the fruit juices. Unfortunately, as much as I used to love orange juice, it has a lot of sugar. Much better to just eat an orange, because the fiber that comes with the orange will make your body take more energy to digest it, and your body will absorb the sugar more slowly.

I also cut down on my alcohol intake a lot. I can still drink a glass of wine with dinner every day, but I stay away from drinking beer or more than 1 drink at a time. Green tea twice a day is also really good for me.

Stick with it! Sounds like you're doing well, although I don't think you need to cut your calories down so low.

Hey - just wanted to say thanks for the comment. I just had breakfast with the sprouted wheat bread you recommended along with my eggs & garden veggies. Good stuff! I also picked up pure balsamic vinaigrette made from just EVOO and balsamic. Less calories indeed. I still have yet to solve the problem of how to keep salad greens from going bad after just a few days in my fridge.

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