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The way I see it, I have limited capacity to build a mental picture of whatever I am working on. When I'm looking at pages and pages of verbose and repetitive code, it is quite hard. What does this bit do? Just checking the error condition and re-throwing the error. What does that bit do? Same boring stuff. Where is the meat?

When I'm looking at few lines of terse but complicated code, it is easier; it is all meat and little fat. Just enough to make a good steak.

But this only works if I understand the mechanics of that terse code. So when I work on something else for a while and I come back to some code for which I no longer have an accurate mental picture in my brain I need to refresh my memory.

I think mathematics is the same way. Imagine a full A4 page of equations. It is really hard, at least for me, to hold in my brain a mental model of what it all means. Sure, there's a ton of background that I need to be familiar with, but it's not in my mental picture. Imagine this: suppose you wrote rules for how addition works, and then multiplication, and then build it all up so you can do linear algebra. That's too much!

When I advocate terse code I don't mean it in a "here's my obfuscated C code sense". I mean that when I write "f . g . h" there might be more going on here than meets the eye, but as long as you know the rules of what . means in this context, it is super easy to follow.

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