Comments are not for how or what, the code does that just fine.
Comments are for why.
Sometimes the why is obvious, then you don't need a comment. The rest of the time, add that comment. Even if it's something like "Steve in accounting asked me to put this in."
Good comments do frequently answer the why question and, sometimes, the non-obvious what.
It's generally true that the code expresses the what, but it's also true that it can take the reader time to discern. A simple comment here and there can be a shortcut to this discernment which, over thousands of lines of code can save serious time.
Such comments are best added in commit messages. If you add JIRA task number to each commit it's almost always already there (because in the task there will be your discussion with Steve).
And when you change the line because Tom asked you to change it again - you don't need to remember to remove the comment about Steve.
I have recently started working on an existing project which is all new to me. Having to go through git commits looking for relevant comments is just a silly suggestion. Its far more useful when I am browsing through the code, trying to understand it, to see a comment beside the relevant piece of code, not hidden away in git commit messages.
IMHO comments aren't there for newcomers. You are a newcomer for a month or 2. You are a developer for years most often. Besides, how is
//Steve in accounting asked me to put this in
foobifyTheBaz(bazPtr, foobificationParams);
more helpful for newcomers than just
foobifyTheBaz(bazPtr, foobificationParams);
Comments answering "why" are very important when bugfixing/changing stuff. You want to know if sth was intentional or just accidental, and if it was part of the change that you have to override, or some independent change, so you know which behaviour should stay, and which should change. You should always look at the git blame of the region you change anyway before making a change (it often turns out your change was there before and commit message has the reason why you shouldn't change it back).
And you don't look for git commits. You enable git blame annotations in your IDE and hover over the relevant lines to immediately know who, when, and why changed that particular line. That's why commit messages are as important as good naming IMHO.
By the way, when you have code like:
//Steve in accounting asked me to put this in
foobifyTheBaz(bazPtr, foobificationParams);
barifyTheBaz(bazPtr, barificationParams);
if (mu(bazPtr)) {
How do you know which lines the comment refers to and if you should delete it or not when Tom asked you to change barifyTheBaz invocation? That's the main advantage of commit messages over comments - they are always fresh and encode the exact lines they refer to.
// We foobify the baz in order to ensure that both
// sides of the transaction have their grinks froddled.
// This was a request from Steve in Accounting;
// see issue #4125 for more details.
so that (1) if you'd otherwise be wondering "wait, what they hell are they doing that for?", you get an answer (and, importantly, some inkling of what would need to have changed for removing the code to be a good idea), (2) there's an indication of where you can find more details (hopefully including the original request from Steve in Accounting), and (3) if the code around here changes, you can still tell that the relevant bit is the foobification of the baz.
I strongly approve of putting relevant info in your VCS commits too, of course. But, e.g., if someone changes the indentation around there then your git blame will show only the most recent change, which isn't the one you want, whereas the comment will hopefully survive intact.
Changed formatting isn't a problem IMHO. You can ask git to skip whitespace changes, and you can (and should) enforce consistent formatting anyway to make history cleaner. And even if for some reason you don't want to do either - you can just click "blame previous revision" if you do encounter "changed formatting" revision.
I envountered it a few times and it was never a big problem.
The problem with comments in the code is - they have to be maintained "by hand", and they are often separated from the context after a few independent changes.
When you change a function called inside the foobify function because of another change request you will most probably forget to check all the calling places all the way up the callstack and fix the comments refering to foobify function. And then comments may start to lie.
I encountered lying comments a few times and it usually is a big problem. I started to ignore comments when debugging, and I'm not the only programmer that I know that does that.
I do think there is a place for comments in the code, for example for documentation of some API, but IMHO commit messages are the perfect place for explaining reasons of particular change, and I prefer not to repeat that.
In which case it's one click away. And anyway you should enable checkstyle and autoformat on saving files, and you can use "ignore whitespace changes" in git view for legacy code.
Comments are for why.
Sometimes the why is obvious, then you don't need a comment. The rest of the time, add that comment. Even if it's something like "Steve in accounting asked me to put this in."