On my current machine (OSX w 16 GByte RAM), Emacs built with Homebrow as native GUI application (HEAD, lots of bells and extras enabled) with 10+ buffers Emacs consumes 127 MBytes.
In comparison, Finder consumes 300+ MByte, Firefox 2+ GBytes and Slack(!) 500+ MBytes. And the Activity Monitor utility supplied by Apple I used to check these numbers uses 130 MBytes.
Yes, Emacs consumes 8 MBytes and more. But Moore's law has really fixed that problem. And in comparison with a lot of other SW, Emacs is not the SW application I would accuse for being bloated, quite the opposite in fact.
Slack uses so much memory because it's carrying around the baggage of its own webkit session. It's little more than a web browser that just connects up with slack, and thus has all of the bloat and ugliness of javascript.
To be honest, I very rarely seen 8mb or more back then, when I ran Emacs on a VAXstation with 64mb of ram. Usually it was much less, but, OTOH, org mode did not exist.