This doesn't make sense. You used to be someone easily distracted by yak shaving, is what it reads like.
Installing features in Emacs is not exactly tough, either. I do think you can get distracted by the sea of things you can install. Probably no different from the new toys in the realm.
The features just aren't there for me in Atom. I have a feeling they are if you're a web developer, but us non webdevs are left out in the cold (at least for now). Compare LaTeX and R in Atom to AUCTeX and ESS in Emacs and it's like night and day. Every time I switch to Atom I get frustrated within a day due to lack of features for the things I use.
I use an approach similar to this [1] to automatically install missing packages on startup. This means that when I move to a new machine I just have to clone the repo with my emacs configuration to have everything ready, settings _and_ extra packages.
Not everybody needs that. Even I as a sysadmin just use TRAMP from within my graphical Emacs to edit remote files and don't open Emacs in an SSH session over a terminal emulator.
Then, a passionate friend converted me to Vim. I only ever used it to do battle with my .vimrc. I never got any real work done.
Now, I use Atom. Click a button, install a feature. No more distractions.
I wish it were faster though; I can never get any real work done.