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Hacker News Headline Generator (blarworld.net)
101 points by jbenz on Feb 8, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 34 comments

A buddy of mine created this bad boy for us all to enjoy. Hopefully you don't find it too mean-spirited; it's all in good fun.

Also worth checking out: his "tech article comment generator" at blarworld.net.

I appreciate that it's meant in fun, but it does beg the uncomfortable question: Have we become so predictable?


"You're making yourself look like a total Luddite by discounting Web-2.0-oriented content-management-valued models techniques. It's true."

or something.

"A fully functional Death Star in 5 lines of WebGL"

Good stuff.

Lisp can do it in two:

       (make-generic-star :type 'death))

Python can do it in one

    from past import deathstar

Funny: "Ask HN: Am I crazy to attempt to understand common sense?"

Sad: "Ask HN: Should my company make unmarketable products?" and "Ask HN: How do you program vaporware?"

Accurate: "Ask HN: Does my startup need to try to market to potential customers?"

This thing is psychic. It gave me a headline for a project I started working on this weekend!

All that time for 9 lines of F#?

I can't wait for "Hacker News Headline Generator in 3 lines of Erlang"

Let me guess: A markov chain based text generator trained on a set of HN headlines from before.

Something else?

Check out the source, it's randomly generated Javascript

Of course the Markov-chain approach would also be worth trying.

"How I turned coding unicorn picture technology into a $12 million a year business"

Bonus points for madness!

Interesting since I got "Ask HN: Does my startup need to steal unicorn picture technology?" followed up with "Review my startup: www.makeunicornpicturetechnology.org". Looks like that unicorn picture technology making guy finally hit the big time.

It's a little-known fact, but lisp-driven unicorn picture technology is going to be the main driver of Web 4.0

Damn, I think I could make an HN comment generator.

I love the insane ones.

"Ask HN: Am I crazy to program the secrets of toast?"

"Ask HN: Can someone tell me how to steal common sense?"

Classic: "How I turned stealing pointless iPhone apps into a $12 million a year business"

It really needs to add things like:

How a kid/student made $20 million (mixergy interview)


How AMAZING BUSINESS was made with only $3.50.

"How I turned hating on unmarketable products into a $10 million a year business"

"A Facebook clone in 9 lines of CSS" :-)

"A '93 Ford Taurus in 8 lines of Megan-Fox-picture"


"A fully functional POSIX-compliant 64-bit multitasking operating system in 12 lines of Javascript"

In that case, it probably uses FireMetal: "Introducing FireMetal: a Megan-Fox-picture platform optimizer"

Now someone needs to make a blog post generator to go along with the headlines.

"A fully functional POSIX-compliant 64-bit multitasking operating system in 14 lines of CSS"

That I'd pay to see.

"Ask HN: Who here actually trys to market unmarketable products?" lol

"Review my startup: www.hackunmarketableproducts.com"

"Ask HN: Does my startup need to make common sense?"

An Amazon clone in 9 lines of Megan-Fox-picture

A Twitter clone in 13 lines of CSS

I enjoyed "An Amazon clone in 14 lines of Clojure" -- that would be something to see.

s/^.+(?= Generator)/Spam Subject/

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