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Ask HN: What became of Steve Yegge's "Rhino on Rails"?
33 points by btucker on Feb 6, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments

I just remembered about this and can't find any recent info besides Yegge calling it "a transitional thing"[1] in '08. It made a big splash after he announcement at FooCamp '07. Is it actually in use within Google? Has it or will it ever be released? Anyone know anything?

[1] http://steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2008/06/rhinos-and-tigers.html

I use it. I'm working on open sourcing it.

I kind of worry that the timing for open sourcing it now isn't the greatest, since with the advent of all sorts of commonjs bits, people probably already have their own frameworks. Also, the implementation lags behind what Rails looks like now, so its a bit... weird.

Don't worry about the timing; people are always looking for better software, better programming languages, and better frameworks.

Opening it up might speed up development, to catch up with Rails?

I don't think there are any killer web frameworks for JavaScript yet?

What became of Steve Yegge?

He's at Google and recently announced their new static analysis framework for Python: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1054036

Sure... but I wish I could still read him sometimes. There is no blogger I enjoy to read these days (mostly they are too techinical...)

I heard he's stuck in a fish tank, swimming along the edges of the glass to find a way out.

Could someone please explain this (joke?) to me?

It's something he used to notice his goldfish doing before it died of loneliness, apparently.

It's a sad story and very well written.

Note there's also ActiveJS: http://activerecordjs.org/

I'm not sure if it's being actively maintained though.

And how about node.js on rails? Anyone working on it? Maybe with MongoDB backend? It looks like a convenient fit to me.

Now I have to ask, what exactly makes a framework a rails framework?

If the default "it works" page has rounded corners and no text smaller than 32pt, it's a rails framework.

If I had to come up with a definition, it would be "Full stack web framework with sensible defaults, that emphasizes DRY and COC." As always, any time you reduce something, it's lossy...

I think you got two good answers. They aren't even conflicting, just presenting the two sides of the coin.

actually what became of Steve Yegge?

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