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> irregardless

You've got too extra letters there :)

I'm sure there is a clever internet name for it, but in the absence of that information, let's call it Chilly's Postulate:

"An online post pointing out a spelling error will inevitably contain a spelling error."

I like it. Even better that the name will inevitably be misspelled.

    Chilly's Postulate  
    Chillys Postulate  
    Chillys' Postulate  
    Chillies Postulate  
    Chillie's Postulate  

To be fair though, mine was an actual typo. I don't correct people when they make typos, that's just rude. I correct only with the goal to educate. Irregardless is wrong, even if it will eventually be made correct by mass acceptance by americans.

Sounds like an offshoot of Murphy's Law.

muphry's law, to be precise. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muphry%27s_law]

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