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I tried to build a nice, cheap small house and ran into these exact same regulations. Almost all of the regulations we hit were from the 'International Building Code' which covers a large part of the US. I'd say building a to code house here costs at least $50k - $60k. This is just bare minimum meet the code. To add to your list:

  - composting toilets are allowed, but you still need a sewer hookup available, just in case
  - heating had to be automatic (thermostat + gas/electric), wood stove/insert only is illegal
  - outlets every 6' and even more in the kitchen
  - stairs cant be steep, even to lofted areas and so take up more space, more $
  - minimum square foot requirements
We had a nice building department that helped us work around some of the codes, but even that took a lot of time (money).

Where we were and what we were trying to do would have cost significantly less if we were allowed to use composting toilets [1] and grey water and avoid sewer. Many states are coming around to grey water laws, but as of now I don't think any allow no sewer/septic, even if you don't have anything draining into them. You have to have them for 'backup'

[1] http://www.sun-mar.com/

That's why a lot of the tiny houses are built on trailers. They're technically RVs then, and most of those regulations don't apply.

This is why tiny houses on trailers took off; it sidesteps building code due to them being classified as RVs.

Except you can't legally park and live in them in many cities. Sure you can relocate if you get caught, but how many times before they catch on and you get in big trouble? Its a more practical way to break the rules, but in most places you are still breaking the rules.

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