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I used to use yelp to find the best-reviewed contractor in my area. However, that's no longer a tenable strategy, because in my opinion, those contractors are flooded with easy and profitable requests and have no need to prioritize a schmoe like me. It's genuinely hard to get top-rated contractors to give me the time of day.

Once it took me 2 weeks of trying a guy, waiting for him to not reply, trying the next guy, waiting for him to cancel my appointment, trying the next, etc.

I tried picking one at random, and I got a couple of jamaican stoners with super-charming accents who did a shitty job and then poured paint thinner on my lawn (poisoning the area for about 3 years) while cleaning their equipment.

It's a hard problem in some areas.

How is it relevant that they were Jamaican? Why point that out?

because, per my original comment, they had super-charming accents. I added the word "jamaican" so that you could imagine the accent.

Would it have made you more comfortable if I said "two gentlemen of an unspecified national origin who had super-charming jamaican accents"?

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