I had two monitors that were x1200 but sadly they both stopped working for mysterious reasons. It was great for online poker as it allowed a perfect number of tables at a decent size (Stars, FTP). In the end I played only 4 on each as that was my sweetspot for paying attention to all details but for massgrinding 12 on each was doable (iirc, I could never play more than 8x2 without going insane).
Standard x1080 didn't work well at all especially back in the day when the tables weren't resizable :D
To get two extra items, namely ghost and star, append &opt=6358D569C9 to the link. Or use $('body').addClass('secret') in console.
To replace Mario with Toad (only in SMB), append &opt=7F93F702E6.
By using the latter opt, and adding secret manually, you can have both.