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Depends on the city/county. Most in the US are on P25, which has been listenable by clued members of the populace, but many (most?) are now encrypting traffic (usually w/ AES, iirc).

I wonder what they use in Russia? Cursory look [1] suggests it's the old analogue standard. Does it mean CB?

Is there a public list of which protocols the police use, by country?

[1] https://habrahabr.ru/post/145973/

Can you request the AES decryption key with a FOIA request?

Unencrypted transmissions are easily received by scanners (note, though, that older scanners can't pick up P25) -- they aren't cheap, though (I think mine was ~$450 USD). In my area, one local police department is the only agency that has chosen to encrypt their communications.

It is, supposedly, also possible to pick up P25 using RTL-SDRs, though I've never tried so I can't say for certain.

If the wikipedia information is right (6.25kHz signal at ~700MHz), then it should be trivial on RTL-SDR. Just need the right antenna.

From my experience: You usually need 2 dongles and the software under Linux to do it is barely existing unfortunately.

So is wiki not correct, or am I reading it wrong? Is the channel bandwidth larger than 6kHz?

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