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Now, if Spain can only apply the same righteousness to their own politicians that they do to their former colonies...

Here's probably the first arrest that should happen:


But there is a long list of possibilities.

You got me there for a second.

I thought you would be talking about the current PM's undeclared payments, or how he removed financial aid for old and disabled people then made the country pay for his father's nurses; maybe about his party destroying evidence about undeclared payments likely to be bribes, the country's money spent on the pressure against Argentinian judges to not judge relevant figures from the Franco era or maybe about the sister of the current King stealing money from my fellow countrymen or even about Botín (now deceased Banco Santander's founder) and how we forgave him from declaring a couple of thousand million Euros.

Can't see under which reasoning that's the first arrest - it has to happen, doesn't matter the order, but it strikes me as an odd choice without formal accusation.

But anyway, it has been long since I've lost hope for a better Spain. We have what we deserve.

Yes, I totally agree that they should treat the politicians of the current colonies in the same way they treat those from the former ones.

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