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also, i think the real opportunity here lies in making it open source and making it all programmable. so literally you can program and enhance the damn thing as you use it--at least be able to one-click import extensions from NPM and github. see what im saying. given how many people know javascript, and how often programmers also have musical interests, this could be big.

it should be a codeable music creation platform. a console while making those beats could do a lot of stuff. you write an API to appergiate hits for example:

arp(4, 16, 'hi-hat') ....16th notes for a bar.

plugins could be made to collect stats, and generate visualizations. lots of stuff.

...but it all starts from being able to live code this collaboratively and remotely. ...u gotta use a single state store like Redux or what you can do with Om Next so you can syncronize events between all connected clients and so you can replay it after each keyup eval. It probably should just be made with React + Redux since so many people know that. If you did that, you'd get so many people using this.

That said I'm in the middle of building a collaborative live-coding platform for React + Redux. And your project would be the perfect pilot project to show off the platform. And basically both win.

...i know ur likely thinking about the direction of all this and whether u wanna open source it or not. But you should--its where u stand to gain the most. It's not like there isn't a plethora of commercial music production software that will be better than it for some time. U need the support of a large open source team to beat those guys out.

anyway, think about it. when u open source it, i'll contribute it. React + Redux baby! Or perhaps Cycle. Although I'd say ClojureScript + Om Next, except that will likely get less contribution since CLJS is foreign to most people.

What you're describing already kind of exists with Overtone (Clojure): http://overtone.github.io/

So awesome, thanks for the link. Guess we could probably reuse a lot of clojure code.

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