The article is very impressive, and the author is an experienced graphics developer, which makes me wonder why not do these experiments using the free software graphics drivers in Mesa?
We (the team that writes the Intel driver in Mesa) would love to be involved in things like that and would be happy to answer questions where possible -- #intel-gfx on Freenode or
The documentation doesn't contain much if anything in the way of performance data like instruction latency, so we've implemented similar methods to what the author used to measure the number of cycles a piece of code takes (environment variable INTEL_DEBUG=shader_time). We'd likely even learn something about the hardware ourselves by being involved in experiments like these.
If even one game does this, the IHVs and OSVs will freak out, remove pre-compiled binaries from future drivers, and never let us have them again, and you’ll be the one responsible for ruining all the fun. You don’t think they’ll be able to remove it after you ship it? There are ways...
Most importantly, the whole point of having a driver do compilation for you is compatibility. AMD's GCN, for example, currently has three different generations out, and there are small differences in the set of supported instructions and in the instruction encoding.
Not having to deal with legacy stuff in instruction decode is one of the big advantages GPUs have over CPUs, and it relies on having the driver do the compilation.
All that said, it's nice that people are having fun with AMD's and Intel's GPU ISA, but honestly, why on Earth do they do it on Windows? There are perfectly fine open source drivers available on Linux that you can easily modify to play around with the ISAs as much as you wish.
In my experience, the vast majority of realtime rendering engineers work on Windows (because of the products). The landscape is starting to change, but I'd spitball still 99% Windows ownership. Even for console development, the platform is Windows
Convenient for the normal case, yes, but I was highlighting the "don't do this lest you invoke the wrath of the platform gods who ban your code" aspect of it.
(Yes, this (presumably) doesn't apply if you're using the open source drivers on Linux and accepting whatever tradeoffs apply there.)
Does anyone know whether this functionality is expected in Vulkan? Will it be covered by uploading SPIR-V binaries instead of native code? My understanding is that the main motivation for glProgramBinary() is to bypass a bunch of higher-level compiler passes, and getting back native code is just a result of vendors doing The Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work rather than a deliberate feature. Is that right, or is there more to it that I'm missing?
The original motivation for GetProgramBinary was to bypass the driver compiler passes, but in order to prevent the unpredictable (by the game) compilations that would happen mid-game, causing CPU spikes.
As far as Vulkan, this is not the same use case. Vulkan is using the DX model of compile high level to intermediate representation, and then let driver compile to maybe. One idea of SPIR-V is that any compiler can generate the bytecode, whereas on DX, it currently is that only fxc is allowed to (this didn't used to be the requirement...I speculate it changed when the IL started to drift away from HW ISA , making it so that targeting IL was a bad idea).
As far as GetProgramBinary on Vulkan, that doesn't jive with how it's supposed to work. DX12/Vulkan have precompiled pipeline state objects that include compiled shader binaries as part of the state. Ideally, you build (and serialize) these at installation/startup so you don't have to worry about those during runtime.
This is a very useful path for applications that wish to remain portable by shipping pure GLSL source shaders, yet would like to avoid the cost of compiling their shaders at runtime.
I see this a lot on NVidia driver on Linux games.
Games where slow to load. NVidia's fix -> compiled sharers cache. They are stored in ~/.nv
This is relatively old NV functionality. However, there were some complaints about this folder ballooning after installing a couple driver updates, which caused brand new shader blobs to be built. Not a huge issue, but that spurred some of the extension getting traction to allow games to manage the process
We (the team that writes the Intel driver in Mesa) would love to be involved in things like that and would be happy to answer questions where possible -- #intel-gfx on Freenode or
The documentation doesn't contain much if anything in the way of performance data like instruction latency, so we've implemented similar methods to what the author used to measure the number of cycles a piece of code takes (environment variable INTEL_DEBUG=shader_time). We'd likely even learn something about the hardware ourselves by being involved in experiments like these.