Yea, that was a head scratcher. Where are these places with all white people? Because looking around at my current team, I'm one of two white guys, and there's a white woman, the remaining 20 or so are all either of south-east Asian or Chinese descent. My previous company was probably 75% Chinese, 20% Indian, and maybe 1% white. Prior to that, my company was a bit whiter, but 60%+ were foreign nationals. It gets to the point where "Man, the U.S. Visa system totally sucks!" is the default lunch conversation. There's definitely a gender gap, but as far as race goes, I don't see this lack of diversity.
Some need to uphold the concept of "structural" racism.
Unfortunately pesky non-whites stand in the way of that when it comes to engineering.
So extreme measures are necessary...
0 Claim Silicon Valley is racist, because racial minorities are not hired.
1 Claim that Chinese and Indians are not minorities.
2 Claim that structural racism has "white washed" the Chinese and Indians in Silicon Valley [0]
The funny thing is, the white washing is conducted by the same group as it starts with the sentence "minorities aren't hired"
When you live amongst the inherent Marxists as long as I have, you tend to figure out their patterns.