Not sure what Asperger is. I am very sensitive: I cry at almost all movies I'm watching even the silliest ones, when the guy kiss the girl, or the father finds his son back. Maybe I'm weird, or just too influenced by Eastern philosophy, but when someone old dies I feel it is ok, it is supposed to be like that, it is the normal course of nature.
My preferred living writer died some time ago. It was ok too, even if I read all his books more than once and often refer to what I think he would say about a topic. He was old enough to pass away (and was apparently too old to write more interesting pieces), so it was ok. I think the same about David Bowie. No need to display an excess of [edit: affliction], he had his good time, let him let some room to younger musicians. No?
>"[...]it is supposed to be like that, it is the normal course of nature."
Just because it is the normal course of nature doesn't mean it's okay. Nor does it mean that we should not be upset about it, or mourn it.
A person accumulates a life-time's worth of knowledge and experience and insight. And in an instant, it's taken away from the world. It's a loss in every sense of the word.
Well, it the case of Bowie this is especially untrue: he let a lot for us to read and listen. It is acutally much sadder when someone unknown dies young, before having the time to leave a deep enough footprint behind.
My preferred living writer died some time ago. It was ok too, even if I read all his books more than once and often refer to what I think he would say about a topic. He was old enough to pass away (and was apparently too old to write more interesting pieces), so it was ok. I think the same about David Bowie. No need to display an excess of [edit: affliction], he had his good time, let him let some room to younger musicians. No?