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How A Self-Promoting Blogger Makes $1.3mil A Year & Still Gets No Respect[video] (mixergy.com)
23 points by hajrice on Jan 30, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Tim Sykes is very nearly a con-artist who profits off the gullibility of others. Any success his trades and his readers have is based on just as much luck as it is any penny-stock technical trading strategies.

This is coming from a non-paying reader of his blog. He purposely overemphasizes his accurate calls (which might have happened due to his reasoning, or just as likely not) and brushes the flaws under the proverbial rug.

Tim is a good trader, but like most successful business people he understands how to market. His persona, whether constructed or representative of his real self (it doesn't matter), is a great marketing tool that he has been able to leverage into a successful career. All great marketers emphasize their successes and try to forget their failures--does Steve Jobs still talk about the Lisa?

I think what people forget is that what people like Tim sell is information. He's a trader, yes, and a successful one at that. But for some reason people think that simply copying what Tim does will make them a successful trader as well. This is no more true than how many of the tech giants have tried to copy the iPod or iPhone--none of them have been as successful as the original because copying features (read: copying trades) is not the same thing as capturing the soul of the strategy.

Every marketer sells to gullibility. You can judge for yourself the morality of an individual marketer's tactics given the customer they are going after, but why on earth is it wrong to sell information to willing buyers? Wild deception in marketing practices will almost always lead to complete failure, and Tim has been around long enough to, I think, be able to pass that hurdle.

Incorrect, I basically short sell stocks that have been manipulated higher with spam...once the spam campaign ends, there's a high degree of probability that the carcass company will return to its previous useless state...I don't influence prices AT ALL because there simply aren't enough shares to short to go around (hence why I teach others such a successful strategy...it does have limitations which I point out every single day...and those who learn to anticipae my trades do far better than simple copycats)...check out the independent academic study on nearly 300 of my trades:


Bring it, I will make you believer because this is 100% real and I've already turned a few grand into a few million once before when NOBODY was watching

Tim http://www.timothysykes.com

Are you guys kidding me? I detail my losses on my blog all the time...and of course I can teach and my students can replicate my success, which they have as evidenced by the dozens of daily testimonials and the fact that many are in the top 100 out of 40,000+ traders on covestor...I have many personal failings which I go over and over in my products, problem is my haters don't have my products so they judge based on assumptions, yawn

Next on the list: How a convicted con-man makes tens of millions each year and STILL gets no respect (blame the government!): Meet Kevin Trudeau!

and probably never will.

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