Maybe if the server had a way to remember or reopen and tidy your code it would be closing in on PG's RFS#5.
You can't cron-job anything, and you can't work with any language other than Javascript unless you make a server side to->Javascript compiler for it. Another user suggested that there is now or soon to be inter-app file transfer, so depending on how that is implemented it might open other venues.
A website that you go to with a live JS edit/run cycle, saved on the server on the fly, EtherPad style.
An option to have it email the code to your iPad email address as a clickable link which is a javascript bookmarklet.
An option to have it save the javascript as a bookmarklet/link which you can on the home page.
This is a hack on the iPhone - encode a PDF into a Javascript bookmark and sync it to Safari's bookmarks (i.e. ).
Maybe if the server had a way to remember or reopen and tidy your code it would be closing in on PG's RFS#5.
You can't cron-job anything, and you can't work with any language other than Javascript unless you make a server side to->Javascript compiler for it. Another user suggested that there is now or soon to be inter-app file transfer, so depending on how that is implemented it might open other venues.