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The Irresistible Psychology of Fairy Tales (newrepublic.com)
57 points by jimsojim on Dec 31, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

The author spends several thousand words discussing the psychology of fairy tales, and never once mentions Tolkien's magisterial essay on the topic? Her own points are interesting, I think, but without a discussion of Tolkien's thoughts regarding Eucatastrophe or Recovery, her essay is bound to be incomplete at best. Indeed, it's a pretty good example of why Tolkien's notion of "Escape" is so badly needed.

After reading "On Fairy-Stories" by Tolkien I recommend listening to this class by the Tolkien Professor: http://tolkienprofessor.com/wp/lectures/courses/the-undergra...

Recommended: The Storytelling Animal by Jonathan Gottschall http://jonathangottschall.com/storytelling-animal

Offtopic: TNR's (new?) layout is awesome! Congrats to the designers and I hope this is a sign of things to come to other magazines.

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