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Thanks for putting this together. This looks like a fantastic tool, and really well-documented. I noticed from a quick perusal of the docs that Luminus still requires a handler function to map URLs to a named page asset (about-page, home-page, etc.) using defroutes -- requiring too, of course, definitions for each of those pages. Could you explain in a few words why that is? Is it a Node requirement? Isn't that a lot of complexity to have to deal with? If so, how do people manage it?

I'm just curious because my only exposure to the HTTP layer so far has been via Apache. Apache is... for lack of a better word, a bro. It's up for just about anything. It seems like the default mode of Apache is to do whatever the HTML recommends. Apache is happy to serve an arbitrary "/about.html" URL, provided it exists, and asynchronously execute any server-side scripts to which it injects a dependency. I don't know if this strictly requires the use of jQuery, but it certainly seems easier to do it that way. Is it even possible to serve a cljs app this way? In light of the fact that jQuery is not compatible with the Google Closure compiler?

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