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I've seen varying sources and while they agree that Chrome leads (see above, unsurprisingly a wildly successful ad company is able to promote their own product), I don't believe that users are actively leaving Firefox.

Back to flourishing: Recently an article on this very site explained that Mozilla is in a very stable financial situation. So, they seem to be independent (money) and successful (reach - I guess this is where we might not agree?).

I just cannot understand the reasons behind a lot of 'Mozilla is basically dead and irrelevant' style posts on this very site.

> 'Mozilla is basically dead and irrelevant'

Not what was said. He said that the browser market share for Firefox is declining. I know there are plenty of Mozilla fanboys here, but the fact that Firefox is losing is not really disputable : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_web_browsers

Mozilla's success depends hugely on Firefox, which means, even though they are in a stable financial situation now, if they cannot stop the slide, they will be in trouble in the future.

Firefox's experimentation has been a little bit worrying, but I'm sticking through with them and recommending them everywhere I go so; long as they remain committed to the principles that make Firefox stand out.

Chrome's propagation strategy is obviously very effective, but I know many people who eventually switched to Firefox and haven't gone back. It's a long race, and I'm happy that Mozilla is not giving up.

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