There is no point benchmarking badly written language A vs well written language B. I actually find the Julia benchmarks misleading and that kind of thing leaves a bad taste.
Arguments about liking to loop over arrays to operate on them are a matter of taste. I like whole array operations, it's just what I learned first and best (Fortran 9x+ and numpy). Someone else may prefer to write loops (maybe they started doing numerical work with F77 or C). There is no universal correct way to express things -- but there is sometimes a language specific best way and to benchmark ignoring this is not good.
Arguments about liking to loop over arrays to operate on them are a matter of taste. I like whole array operations, it's just what I learned first and best (Fortran 9x+ and numpy). Someone else may prefer to write loops (maybe they started doing numerical work with F77 or C). There is no universal correct way to express things -- but there is sometimes a language specific best way and to benchmark ignoring this is not good.