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AMD is playing a fair field, but they aren't innovating. Their top of the line processors haven't received changes in 2 years.

Well they are trying to innovate: hbm, apus, vr.

The 22nm process node they wanted to use was cancelled, and now they're basically working to push it their 14nm products instead. Kind of such (edit:sux) for them to be fabless.

They'll have it. Zen will be 14nm process. I'm excited for Zen, AMD does good things when the wipe the board clean and start over.

Also they brought on the guy responsible for some of the earlier iPhone processors, which had great single-threaded performance (AMD's weakest point right now).

Jim Keller, their previous lead architect, has left again.

The Zen design would have been complete or nearly so by the time he left, but it looks like they're already slipping on their original time frame.

I'm looking forward to what they do, but it's not without some bumps in the road yet.

Like they did with Bulldozer…?

> Kind of such for then to be fabless.

Shouldn't have sold their fabs, then.

True. But you know how people say things like "people have been predicted AMD bankruptcy for 10 years, and they're still going". Well the reason they're still alive is because they flogged all the silver. And they hocked their teeth. And the company is deeply in debt. The company is worth negative equity, which the market still values at 2B.

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